Thursday, December 13, 2012
This holiday season I've been thinking a lot about ways to cut back on waste while continuing to take part in the Christmas traditions that I've come to know and cherish. So far I've come up with a few eco-friendly ideas that are easy and fun for the whole family to enjoy. 

Here's my list up to date:

Ideas on Eco-Friendly Decorating

One of the best parts of the holidays, in my opinion, is getting to enjoy all of the beautiful Christmas decorations. In my household we've decided to stick with mostly natural decor for an organic holiday motif, complimented by some of the re-usable Christmas decorations we've acquired over the years along with some DIY projects (see my homemade Christmas ornament in the next section).

Aside from the Christmas tree (which I'll get to shortly) my favourite decorations are the flowers we have displayed around the house. Aren't these amaryllises gorgeous?

And who could deny the natural beauty of these brilliant poinsettias? They come in other colours, of course, but I love the red for this time of year.

Ideas on Eco-Friendly Christmas Trees

As for the tree, I've always preferred the real ones over the synthetic variety because they smell better and because they're better for the environment. These days most Christmas trees are grown on tree farms so there's no need to worry about destroying forests for the love of a time-honoured tradition. But if you've already got a synthetic tree then do your best to keep it in good shape so it can be re-used for many holiday seasons to come.

For next year I'm considering a potted tree that can either be planted outside in the spring time or kept inside year round and dressed up for the holidays.

Of course no Christmas tree is complete without a few twinkle lights. So this year we've converted to LED miniature lights. They come in a variety of colours just like regular kinds only they last longer and they use less energy.

Here's a homemade Christmas ornament I made from a worn out make-up case along with some other fabric scraps nestled in with our energy-efficient Christmas lights. 

The heart is a little lopsided, I know, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Ideas on Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

We've cut back a lot on gift giving in my family over recent years but when I do give presents I like to make them extra special by getting creative with the wrapping. For example, last week I wanted to give my significant other an early Christmas present so I wrapped his gift in a beautiful Christmas stocking that I picked up at a second hand store and stuffed the top with re-used tissue paper.

Not only did it look festive but it was actually cheaper than buying a reusable gift bag. And now he has his very own Christmas stocking! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture before I gave it to him but you'll have to trust me when I say that it looked nice.

Re-using wrapping paper from previous years is also a great way to cut back on waste and to save money. I save all of my wrapping paper, gift bags, bows, and so on in a big box in the basement for easy access and storage.

Ideas on Eco-Friendly Christmas Cards

This year I sent greeting cards to my clients to thank them for supporting and to wish them a happy holiday season.

Being a green focused business owner I wanted to incorporate some element of eco-friendliness into my Christmas cards so I actually purchased them at Value Village (don't worry, they're not second hand!). From what I understand Value Village sometimes receives overstock from companies that are looking to make space for new inventory so I was able to buy brand new Christmas cards for a fraction of the price while saving them from a landfill. 

If you're one of my clients then these should look familiar!

I'm sure there are lots of eco-friendly Christmas ideas that I missed so feel free to leave yours in the comment section below. No matter how you choose to celebrate, I hope your holiday season is of to a great start!

P.S. If you want $10 off on your next purchase of $70 or more from use discount code Thank You at the checkout before December 31, 2012.