Friday, February 01, 2013

Thank you to everybody who participated in the Fabulous February Blog Contest! The winner is now up! I am thoroughly impressed by all the great stuff you've been up to and I'm looking forward to another great month in March!

At Stylish Organic Family Living, we kicked off the new year with a bang! We introduced our new line of eco-fabulous lingerie, designed by none other than Jonäno. We successfully completed our first ever blog contest giveaway. We added to our selection of stylish and sustainable bamboo furniture by Legaré. And we updated our line of 100% adorable, 100% organic animal alphabet onesies by bioME5.

I'm also happy to report that I've made some significant headway with my own new year's resolutions. Despite the cold, I've been bundling up and spending more time outside. I've been getting creative with some fun and easy upcycling projects. I've been sticking to a healthy diet which includes my new lemon water regimen. I've started converting to all natural hygiene, cosmetic and household cleaning products. And I've put the wheels in motion to get certified as a fitness instructor (because I am just as passionate about fitness as I am about green living).

Whew! It's been a busy month!

I don't know about you but I'm feeling energized by such a great start to the new year and I want to keep the momentum going. That's why I'm dedicating the entire month of February to being fabulous!

Exactly what does that mean, you ask? You see, I feel so good about the positive changes I've made in my life over the past month that I want to extend the opportunity to you to share some of your wonderful accomplishments, big or small. 

As an added bonus I'll be treating one lucky reader to their choice of either a *Sustain Tank Top or a *Sustain Yoga Halter in the colour and size of their choice (*subject to availability). Both of these eco-friendly items are designed by 4-rth (pronounced: for earth) and are great for working out or for just plain lounging.

Sustain Tank Top

Sustain Yoga Halter

In order to participate simply leave a comment on this blog post about one thing you've started doing in the new year that makes you feel fabulous. This is your chance to shine! Have you started volunteering? Are you eating more green leafy vegetables? Did you join a fitness class? Or maybe you and your friends started a book club? Whatever it is, I want to hear about it!

The winner will be selected at random and announced here at the end of the month. He or she will be contacted via email within 48 hours of the contest closing and they will have 48 hours to respond back with their mailing address to collect their prize. 

So make sure you get those comments in by filling out the Rafflecopter widget below before February 28, 2013! *Please note that prize winnings can only be mailed within Canada and the U.S. mainland.

Good luck, everyone! I'm excited to hear about all the wonderful things you've been up to in the new year. February is already shaping up to be nothing short of fabulous!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway


Savannah Paras said...

I've been walking around the block even in the cold and snow with my mom. Keeping our health up is so important in hectic everyday life. Maintaining good health by exercising and eating right is key.

Genevieve said...

Hi Savannah! I totally agree. Even when life gets busy it's so important to carve out a bit of time for healthy eating and exercise.

slb3334 said...

I am walking more.

Anonymous said...

I started eating better and going on the treadmill 4 days a week for 1 hour. Since November, I have lost 25 lbs.

Unknown said...

I stopped eating fast food

Genevieve said...

Thanks for your comment, slb!

Geneviève said...

That's awesome, Danielle! Fast food can be very hard to resist but I think the payoff is worth it.

Genevieve said...

Congrats on your weight loss, Anonymous! That's amazing!

nickieisis3 said...

I have been sleeping more.

jemrah said...

I have adjusted my portion sizes during meals, snacked less and began exercise classes

hbbs55 said...

I bought a weighted hula hoop, I love it, so much fun and a great workout!

rafflecopter-Holly Chernoff

Geneviève said...

That sounds like so much fun, hbbs55! Maybe I'll have to give that a try!

Geneviève said...

That's awesome, jemrah! I always have trouble with portion sizes :/

Geneviève said...

Hi nickieisis3! More sleep is a great way to conquer stress and to ward off all those cold and flu viruses that have been going around. So important.

kelsey.kromodi said...

I've eaten less meat this year :)

PAIGE said...

I joined a yoga class this January. Yay me!

Moonbean said...

I've picked up cross-country skiing and it makes me feel fabulous! The cold air, sunshine, the sound of the skiis whooshing across the snow.. all of it!

Stacy Shadel said...

I've started taking my vitamins regularly. I feel better.

Geneviève said...

Thanks, sls450! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better!

Geneviève said...

That sounds like a lot of fun, Moonbean! I been doing a bit of snowshoeing lately and I must say I'm really enjoying it, despite the cold. I find winter to be more enjoyable when I do outdoor sports.

Geneviève said...

Good luck with the yoga class, PAIGE!

Geneviève said...

That's great, Kelsey! There's lots of great vegetarian cuisine out there these days.

Carol said...

I have cut out all the bad food and started eating better and lost 35lbs so far.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)

Geneviève said...

Congrats, Carol!

Domestic Diva said...

Veggie juice every morning!

Geneviève said...

Nice one, Domestic Diva! That's a habit I'd like to get into too.

Seth said...

I've been practicing bikram yoga several days a week and I feel great.

Tannis said...

I have cut back on caffeine and started going to a yoga class

steve stone said...

cut out junk food for yogurt

Glogirl said...

I've started to exercise for 20 minutes per day. I hope to keep this up!

Geneviève said...

Bikram yoga, less caffeine, no more junk food, and daily exercise - all great ways to kick off 2013. Seth, Tannis, Steve Stone & Glogirl, you guys are awesome! Thanks for your comments!

Kristy Thiel said...

I'm really trying to eat better!

Unknown said...

Working out everyday!

jeanie37337 said...

I have started trying to get into shape

Unknown said...

I've been drinking a lot more water every day.

Sass said...

I've started drinking more water.

EclecticZebra said...


Katie said...

I've committed to eating more fish for the health benefits

msrodeobrat said...

I have been bringing my lunch to work to be healthier and save money
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Candice said...

I'm following through on things. Instead of just making lists of things to get done and putting them aside, I'm making the lists and tackling them. Feels great!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have cut caffeine out of my diet.

Dani said...

I started running!

one frugal lady said...

I cut out all processed foods! If it has a nutrition label, I don't eat it!

bac1 said...

ive been eating better

misses giveaways said...

I joined a gym and go every day!

Erica C. said...

I joined a bootcamp class.

Marilyn said...

I' walking more, reading more and eating more greens!

Unknown said...

I am eating better, moving more, and am now within 10 pounds of my goal weight!

ilv2p8nt said...

I have cleaned up my diet even more and no longer eat gluten.

Unknown said...

I started meditating!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

Ive been eating out less.
Brittney House

Unknown said...

i gave up hard alcohol.

dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I'm drinking more water and less soda. hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Lala77 said...

I've been exercising on a regular basis.
bookloon at gmail dot com

Becca Ann said...

I gave up soda! I feel so much better!

Jo said...

I have been eating healthier, more fruits and veggies.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com

Lala said...

i started eating better, more fruits and veggies and more active. So far ive lost 4 lbs since the beginning of the year. yay!

blue65829 said...

I made an effort and have eaten fruit ever single day, it's not my favorite, so I'm proud!


Been using positive thinking

Anonymous said...

I have been taking my vitamins daily

morganowl28 at gmail dot com

sarah said...

I've been spending less time on the couch!

Melanie Montgomery said...

I workout every week

Unknown said...

I've started eating better

thescribbler said...

I've continued to not smoke, will be two years April 25th!

Kathy P said...

I have been walking on the treadmill daily

Diane W said...

I replaced coconut oil for butter in all of my baking.

Unknown said...

i joined a gym and have given up most of the soda i use to drink

Anonymous said...

I'm eating more fruits and veggies and less meat. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

mrflingo said...

We have started to exercise daily.

Katie Roch said...

I began tracking my water intake and making sure that I drink at least 64 oz of water a day

Anonymous said...

I love these woman yoga tops.

Hotsnotty2 said...

I stopped eating fast food

Kayla said...

I've had a more positive outlook on life!

terra_incognita said...

I've cut out a lot of fast food and opt instead to eat at home.

Emily said...

I've been getting a good amount of sleep, consistently, and it feels great!

Michelle B said...

I'm exercising everyday and drinking more water.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I started drinking more water, I feel great.

susansmoaks said...

this year i have been walking more and doing more yoga too! i feel great and i am getting in better shape!

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

Unknown said...

I've been eating more protein in the morning and I can totally tell a difference!

Rats said...

Cut down sleeping till noon on weekends.

Anonymous said...

I am making better choices about what I eat, no more fast food.

cbowlingtn said...

Drinking more water

Unknown said...

drinking more water and eating healthier

Charlene S. said...

I started walking 30 minutes everyday & feel great :)

ladyvon5845 said...

I am slowly starting to get rid of my clutter habit. ladyvon2013 at hotmail dot com

Holly said...

I received a NutriBullet and drink shakes every morning. Love it.

richelle bowers said...

cook at home a lot more

tracy h. said...

I have committed to stepping up my exercise game, taking RIPPED classes 3x/ week. I can already tell a difference.

heymissvirginia said...

I have been taking a walk after dinner.
Virginia Rowell

Anonymous said...

I have started eating breakfast in the morning, I used to skip it most days

kannw27 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I've been adding more fresh greens to my diet, and I've also started yoga! After hearing so many people rave about it I finally gave it a try myself and I'm hooked! Such a great way to unwind after a stress filled day.

c allen said...

i have been taking my multi vitamin daily thanks crystal allen

AEKZ2 said...

I don't eat late at night

Lisa Garner said...

I left a very negative marriage and have felt the most happy and positive that I have felt in 14 years.

Lisa Garner

Sand said...

I've been exercising more and I've been eating in moderation.

mtbears819 said...

I am drinking more water=Dorothy Deakyne mtpapa47(at)gmail(dot)com

Andrew L. said...

Drinking less soda and more water, I notice a huge difference already.

Anonymous said...

I stopped eating fast food!

cman said...

Organize more.