Friday, September 14, 2012
I recently treated myself to a pair of Revy Fair Trade's Mora Fiesta Crimson Earrings and I absolutely love them! They are just the thing for adding a splash of colour to an outfit. 

My favourite thing about these earrings is that they are extremely light weight. Often times when I wear earrings I have to remove them after a few hours but I was able to wear the Mora Fiesta earrings throughout the entire day without any discomfort. So if you're looking to add a little spice to your ensemble I highly recommend this eco-friendly and fashion-friendly accessory!

We have plenty of other fabulous earrings to choose from, all of which are handmade in fair trade artisan coops in El Salvador. The talented artisans in these coops use a variety of natural and recycled materials to come up with their unique and eye catching designs. Click here to browse through our stylish selection of handcrafted earrings.