Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Many of you already know that different colours affect your mood in different ways. But did you know that there are people out there who devote their entire careers to studying and understanding the connection between colour and emotion?

I did a little digging and I came up with an interesting study (click here to view) on this very topic which was presented at the Color Marketing Group Conference USA in 2005. In my view, one of the most interesting findings was related to the emotional responses in connection with colours versus neutrals. The authors, Harrington & Lechner (2005), explained that colours are generally associated with positive emotions while neutrals (with the exception of white) are generally associated with negative emotions.

With that in mind, why not add a splash of happy to your life with the help of a few colour accents around your home? Our organic cotton throws by Pure Fiber are just the thing to get you started. We have four great options to choose from, including: soothing yellow, creativity stimulating orange, sweet and innocent pink, and royally regal purple.

Or, if you prefer you hue in a silky soft bamboo, check out the Lavender & Grey Bamboo Throw and the Blue & Barley Bamboo Throw. I should also mention that these two eco-friendly items are currently on sale for half off their original price!

So go ahead and put those colours to good use. In the words of John Ruskin, “the purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most”.

Graphic art by MissEmmaNicholl